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Business Valuation

Get a Business Valuation in Edmonton Alberta.

If you are ready to sell your business now, Performance Business Advisory of Edmonton Alberta can provide a Business Valuation on your business, based on financial information, to determine the Fair Market Value range of your business. This is very important in determining the ultimate sale price of your business.


It is a requirement of Performance Business Advisory that we perform either a Business Valuation or a Pre-Sale Due Diligence on the business, prior to entering into a Business Opportunity Listing Agreement. In order to perform a Business Valuation, we will need to obtain and review the following information:

  • Full financial Statements for the past two years along with the most recent quarterly statements.
  • A copy of your premises lease or details on the real property that is included in the sale.
  • A complete list of business assets, furniture, fixtures, equipment, vehicles, etc. that will be included in the Purchase Price, along with the estimated fair, used value of each item.
  • A summary of existing equipment financing and leasing agreements (as applicable).
  • value of the Inventory, at landed cost, that will be included in the Purchase Price.
  • Copies of any Franchise Agreements, License Agreements, Dealership Agreements and/or Distributor
    Agreements (if applicable).

A brief history of the business to include:

  • Information on your products and services, how you market them and to whom
  • Information on your industry, company history, competitors, growth potential, etc.
  • Any other information that you believe would be valuable in presenting your business in the most favorable manner
  • Copies of your promotional materials

The above information will be kept strictly confidential and will be only divulged to qualified buyers that have signed a Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement. At the conclusion of the Business Valuation, we will be able to determine the Fair Market Value range of your business. With this information, we can advise you on the best possible Purchase Price and terms that your business will command in the current market.